Download LPB Piso Wifi Software

Download LPB Piso WiFi Software to manage and monetize your WiFi network effortlessly. This software allows you to control user access, set time-based usage limits, and create a secure, automated internet service for your customers.

  • Set Up the Router: Start by connecting your WiFi router for your net service. Make sure the WiFi is working by means of trying out the connection.
  • Connect the Device: Plug the LPB Piso WiFi device into the router using an Ethernet cable. Follow the instructions to install the machine. This will include setting up the payment system and creating a login page.
  • Install the Coin Slot: Connect the coin slot to the device. This allows users to pay for the internet by inserting coins. 
  • Test the System: Once everything is connected, test the system. Make sure the payment system works and users can access the WiFi after inserting coins.